Elliot Rodger: Self hating, half- Asian guy goes on murder spree

I bet you  $100000000 this kids white dad was racist against asian men while still being with his Asian wife and raising his half-asian son. Probably f***** the kid’s mind up real good. This is why I’m always wary of people in these types of relationships..most of them are incredibly unhealthy in nature and produce extremely messed up children. I mean you know how many f*****d up hapa kids there are out there? Take a look at some of the things he had previously said online:


“Shoes won’t help you get white girls. White girls are disgusted by you, silly little Asian”

“Full Asian men are disgustingly ugly and white girls would never go for you. You’re just butthurt that you were born as an asian piece of shit, so you lash out by linking these fake pictures. You even admit that you wish you were half white. You’ll never be half-white and you’ll never fulfill your dream of marrying a white woman. I suggest you jump off a bridge.”




Take it easy

I’ve gotten some truly cringe-worthy and sometimes downright crazy hate comments over the past day. I even got one from a guy who named himself ‘superior whiteman’ LOL. How anyone could type that out and not feel embarrassed I’ll never know. You would think that these guys wouldn’t be so quick to get their panties in a twist, considering the fact that they like to pride themselves on being ‘politically incorrect’ jokesters or something and love hurling sh*t at other people whenever they can lol.

Racist Love: the curious case of Donald Sterling

The former owner of the LA Clippers, Donald Sterling made headlines recently for making racist remarks about black and latino people. What makes this story so interesting is the fact that his ex-girlfriend was half-black and half-mexican. In my opinion this story perfectly illustrates a phenomena that I have witnessed over and over again in my own life that I like to call Racist Love.

What is racist love? Let me give you an example…

Let’s say you hear a white guy making racist remarks against Asian/black or Mexican men. Then let’s say that calling after him out on his racism, said white guy starts to get defensive, finally asking, ‘How can I be racist if I’m dating an Asian/black/Mexican woman?’

That is racist love.

Despite what some people like to think, you can be a racist while dating a colored woman. Why? Because these guys use their relationships with minority women to act out their power fantasies. They think that by getting into a relationship with an Asian/black/latino/arab woman they are ‘taking them away’ from ‘their men’. It’s basically the old ‘save the colored women’ from the ‘savage colored men’ trope all over again. Notice how Donald Sterling specifically states that he doesn’t like Mexican men, while simultaneously dating a half Mexican woman. To him non-white men are the enemies. In his mind he uses his relationship with a colored woman to try and humiliate colored men. It’s pathetic and gross and sadly he isn’t the only white guy that acts like that. Spend some time on the internet and you will inevitably come across all sorts of embarrassing racist sex fantasies written by white neckbeards across the world fetishizing colored women while simultaneously fusing together lust, violence and a desire to control in these fantasies in order to escape from the reality of their own pitiful existence.

In Sterling’s mind he believes that by dating a minority woman he is getting one over minority men and flaunting his supposed power over them by ‘claiming’ one of their women. To these types of white men, minority women are to be conquered or ‘slayed’ as misogynists these days like to say. They are disgusting, broken little boys who will never be capable of forming real connections with members of the opposite sex and take all of their insecurities and fear out on women of color.

Furthermore it also shows how scared these types of guys are of non-white men. To think that they feel so threatened by guys like us just because of our ethnic background or how we look that they would resort to living their lives with these sick attitudes is just beyond pathetic.
However, what truly boggles my mind is how some minority women (mostly Asian women from my experience) can be so self-hating that they would get into these relationships to begin with. At least I can forgive Sterling’s ex-girlfriend since she was the one responsible for exposing him for the trash that he is. But all those other self-hating minority women out there? Disgusting.

The worst thing in life for Asian men

I truly believe that the worst thing in life is not to be feared or hated, but to be laughed at or not taken seriously. The stereotypes that have been assigned to Asian males by society have all been designed to make fools of us, and make us targets of derision and mockery by insecure non-Asian males looking to re-affirm their own fragile sense of masculinity at our expense. We are the only ethnic group that has to suffer from this specific dynamic, as the ethnic stereotypes assigned to all other ethnic groups are used more as a means to generate fear (e.g black thugs, criminal latinos). 

On that note I want to share a story with you all about something that happened to me a couple of years ago. At this time I was looking at taking a sort of backpacking trip across South East Asia. To prepare for this I started researching various websites and forums to try and get an idea of how to go about planning the trip. 

After spending some time browsing various websites and forums I started to notice a distressing pattern that was emerging. On all these forums I visited I noticed there would always be scores of white expats and travellers of the male gender who would spend an inordinate amount of time talking down and making fun of Asian men while treating Asian women as their property.

Later on however I found other forum posts of a different nature that intrigued me. It was a thread written by a white male about how to navigate the night life in a certain resort area in Thailand. In his posts he told other white guys not to piss off the local Thai guys as any disrespect towards them or any of their female friends/acquaintances would result in them getting a chair broken over their head as he himself witnessed one night. A funny thing he also mentioned was the fact that these guys were amazing at picking up and romancing female tourists coming in from Europe and Australia.

The fear that he felt fear towards the local Thai men ensured that he would never dare to try and repeat any of the racist stereotypes white people like to normally use against Asian people when they are feeling threatened. In fact he almost talked about them with a sense of respect I’ve hardly ever encountered from white expats on the internet. This coupled with the experiences I had in my early life living in an area populated a large number of Asian gangs finally crystallized my views on how Asian men need to act to be able  thrive in society.

You need to make racist people scared of you. The fact that they are so vocal and loud about their racism towards Asians is because they aren’t scared of us the same way they are of blacks or latinos. This is why Asian women are also the most self loathing minority group of females out there, because they have been conditioned by society to not see us as men. It’s also why so many guys try to shame non-Asian women who are in relationships with Asian men, because they think they can overpower us. For an Asian guy, the worst thing in life is not to be feared of hated, so don’t worry about upsetting or frightening people. Just make sure that those around you will be too scared of you to even think of trying to play you for a fool in public.

Racist people are cowards, especially those yellow fever fetishists who idolize Asian women while demonizing Asian men. These guys are the biggest limp d*ck losers out there, and from personal experience they are quick to back down once you make it clear their behavior wont be tolerated. You do that and you can have anything you want.

I will go into detail later on about ways in which you can do this but for now I think that’s enough.




The Blueprint

As I stated in my previous entry, this will be my last post on this blog. If any of you are familiar with any of my previous works, you will know that this space on xanga (and wordpress) has been dedicated to analyzing the racial dynamics that exist within society. it is for this reason that I will not go in great detail re-explaining these dynamics once again. However, in order to provide some subtext for what is to follow I feel it necessary to give a brief summary of my thoughts on the matter once and for all.

In short, Asian people, like all colored people, have been put at a great (though not insurmountable) disadvantage in society. White power structures have conditioned people to see Asian men as weak, effeminate, little boys while Asian women are portrayed as nothing more than little playthings that only exist to satiate the desires of white males. The western world, has debased us as a people through decades of imperialism and oppression both here and in Asia and as a result most Asian folk now live lives that fall far below their potential. Our dignity and self respect has nearly been wiped out, apart from isolated Individuals here and there who still cling to their pride.

The more important question however is how to fix this current state of affairs. Firstly we must understand that we cannot rely on white people to change on their own. Generally speaking, from observing society in general over the years I have noticed that white people have thought of a very several powerful way in which they can preserve their privilege. Their main weapon in such matters is that of plausibe deniability.

When I talk of plausable deniability, I mean to talk about the ways in which white people try to disregard the grievances of colored people while maintaining their own sense of moral superiority. When confronted with instances of racism or structural inequalities, many white people go on the defensive, claiming they aren’t racist while refusing to even listen or give attention to the substance of the arguments made by colored people. This way, they can continue to benefit from white privilege and maintain their dominance without having to acknowledge the fact that inequalities do exist or even feel guilty about it. In a way this strategy is perfect. There is no way for colored people to fight against this form of plausible deniability, as whites can just label us as being ‘oversensitive’ or ‘playing the race card’. Since whites currently have all the power, they can get away with it since we do not have the means or the power to challenge them and in turn things never really change.

In this case it is clear that things can only get better if colored people -in this case Asian people – stand up together to change society in our self interest to regain our dignity and self respect as a people. We must band together and use our collective contacts and capital to impose our will in the areas of business, advertising, movies and television so that we will no longer be treated or viewed as lesser people. We must also raise enough capital to invest in restructuring the education systems in Asian countries educate the young about these realities and build a sense of unity within Asia that translates into real outcomes on a global scale. If Asian natives can be deprogrammed from their ‘white worshipping’ disease, things could really get interesting.

It is for this reason that I advocate the pursuit of money and power as much as possible, not for the mere accumulation of capital itself or because of mere materialism, but for the power it brings. There would need to be informal networks of Asian professionals who would be dedicated to helping and supporting fellow members in terms of connections, business opportunities and general emotional support throughout their daily lives. These groups would also need to work with entities in Asia to expand their dominance and reach into Western markets. Members in Asian American branches should also look into financing and supporting nationalist movements and ventures in Asian countries to help counteract Western mulitnational driven social conditioning like various non profit organization fronts that actually serve to infiltrate and influence different Asian societies. The most important thing however is that such groups must give all available opportunities to their Asian members at the expense of everyone else. This means employment, business, social opportunities…everything. The goal would be to have as many Asian people being at the top of their field. White people are already excluding us now, so we must help one another.

Finally such groups would need to help encourage and foster more productive relationships between different Asian nationalities, that means no more inter-asian racism. the focus must shift from Asian nations competing and challenging each other, to Asia itself challenging the West as a unified force as best as possible.

However, one would literally need to give their everything when joining such a group, the bonds made would have to be much deeper than those found in your usual alumni or Asian American advocacy groups. In general the greater the change one wishes to bring, the greater the sacrifice one would have to make to see it come into fruition. This group wouldn’t be just about business or money, but everything. Ideally, if there was anything you would need help with, there should be a member there to support you for the greater good. We would need to be more than friends or comrades, but family. In this case, membership must be tightly controlled where only the most dedicated, overly zealous and motivated individuals should be accepted.

The one problem with such a strategy is that there may not be enough Asian Americans or Asian native people out there who meet these requirements. Would an Asian person be willing to make sacrifices like moving areas or starting a business in the interests of such a group? Especially if they have been conditioned to be somewhat satisfied with their ordinary lives in middle America As second class citizens? Well, that’s for you to decide. I will say this thoughh, if for nothing else, joining such a group would most probably improve your life financially so what’s there to lose?

With that, I must say goodbye. I will no longer check this blog or respond to comments or messages. I have decided to move onto other things, namely I will be starting my own little online community that wont be open to the public. If this sounds interesting to you, please email me at itsdangerousk1d@gmil.com, however be prepared to get on webcam so I can at least see your face to prove your identity. Other than that, I really have nothing more to say, except thank you.


Magnum Opus

Hello friends. I have greatly enjoyed my time both here on my blogs and on the internet in general: researching, writing and discussing Asian issues with all the netizens out there. However, I am sad to say that very soon I will leave this blog, and will most probably stop using the internet in general (apart from using it for school) in order to focus all of my energies on achieving my future goals. 

Before I leave the world wide web I would like to leave you all with my last work. Entitled ‘Why Asian people should care’, this next series of posts will definitively outline my thoughts on the status of race in society today, and how it applies in particular to Asian people. I will then spend the second part detailing the things that we as Asian people should do both right now and in the long term to be able to raise our kids in a world where they are viewed and treated as human beings of value. 


Now I did sort of do this before. However the first time I tried to write it up I lost motivation and half-assed it, partly because I was stressed and overworked at the time, and because I wasn’t sure peopele would take the time to read a 5000 word thesis. However since I have decided to really work towards putting my own plans for my life in motion, I feel that I have to do it right, if nothing more than for my own satisfaction and my desire to get it all off my chest. 


Be warned, this final series will be incredibly long and detailed. It will comprise the content of all of my previous blog posts combined into a single manifesto of sorts. Keep an open mind while reading it, some of the ideas may be a little strange to you at first. I hope some of the ideas presented will resonate with some of you out there, and hopefully lead to something substantial offline too.


Seriously guys thanks for staying around. I hope you enjoy my magnum opus, coming out here on this page, July 29. 


(If you haven’t already checked it out, you can browse through all my previous posts on my old blog http://www.dangerzoneq.xanga.com. Make sure to read through all the earlier pages too if you decide to visit).

Colored people’s coping mechanisms

We live in a White dominated society. This fact is made most apparent when one looks out into the world and finds that all over the globe, ‘whiteness’ is  the one thing that all other people have to measure themselves by. Does a white person ever have to try extra hard at school to prove they aren’t a worthless thug? Do white men have to dominate the sports field, or have legions of girls chasing after them before wider society will acknowledge their masculinity? The answer to both questions is of course no. This is because white people, through a legacy of imperialism and violence, have managed to institute a system by which only whites are given the gift of their individuality and are therefore free to chase after and obtain their dreams and fulfill their desires without being encumbered by things such as racial stereotypes or structural inequalities.

For a colored person to live in such a society is truly an unfortunate thing indeed. In order to survive in such a world – while still maintaining their sanity – minorities have developed a wide variety of coping mechanisms in order to be able to bare the worst this world has to offer. In this post I intend to detail some of those mechanisms, both the good ones and the bad, in order to try and steer to try and steer them away from the more self destructive coping strategies and move towards living a more productive, happier life.

The first way in which a colored person may try to cope with the reality of the society in which we live in is to become a self hater. A self hater is a person who has Internalized all of the racist messages the outside world has beaten into them. These people hate what they see when they look in the mirror. In essence, the self hater views their skin color or ethnicity as a curse and would do anything to turn themselves white if they could.

Ironically, the self hater has no sense of self. As such, their idea of self worth is determined by how white people view them. It is common to see the self hater treat other colored people poorly, while simultaneously sucking up to every white person they come across no matter who they are. It comes to no surprise then that the self hater is obsessed with getting into a relationship with a white person, as it represents the ultimate form of acceptance by white and therefore mainstream society in their eyes.

Another interesting variant of the self hater is the man or woman who does everything in his or her power to deceive themselves into believing racism either doesn’t exist or isn’t as bad as it used to be. This mechanism is once again partly due to the facT they are desperate to be liked by whites and are therefore fearful of defying their masters and risk getting on their bad side. The other reason they may take up this coping strategy is because for them it is easier to believe society is fine than it is to wake up in a world in which you are unfairly put at a disadvantage just by the color of your skin. As they say, ignorance is bliss.

In extreme cases the self hater will somehow blame themselves for being put at a disadvantage instead of turning their attention on the people who unfairly benefit from their unearned privileges. At this point they have surrendered their soul and may never recover on their own.

The second way a colored person may cope with the reality of the racist society we live in is to adopt the mindset of a warrior. A person with a warrior mindset is one who calls out racism when they see it. They aren’t afraid of upsetting their white peers, because they have the self esteem and self respect necessary to understand that one’s dignity is far more important than trying to shamelessly gain favor with people who will never value or respect you anyway.

Those with the warrior mindset also have the drive and ambition to excel and not settle for playing second fiddle to white people who expect to be put on a pedestal just because they are white. The strong colored person aims to beat them at their own game, and then use what they have to help other colored people achieve their dreams in a game that is stacked against them.

Unlike the self hater, the warrior increases in confidence everytime he or she confronts racism head on. By doing so, the warrior does not feel helpless like the self hater and strives to take control of their life and identity and does not let other people dictate who they are or how they should act. Those that adopt this mindset don’t have time to wallow in self pity, because they are too busy planning and working towards achieving their goals. While they know they are at an unfair disadvantage, they use the racism that surrounds them as motivation to beat those who feel entitled to everything in life just because they are white and see colored men and women as lesser people. In the end, at their core, such people hope to institute meaningul change in the world in their own little way so that their children wont have to put up with the kind of things they currently have to live through.

I strongly urge all colored people out there, Asian, black, latino or arab, to choose the second way. Reject the messages and pressure that society tries to put on you, and PLEASE live your life with strength and honor.

Navigation: why I write about Asian issues

I received a message the other day inspired inspired me to write about why I write and maintain this blog.


From looking out at the world over the course of my life it has become clear that all of the interactions that take place between different people are subtly influenced by a wide varieties of underlying dynamics. Things such as one’s gender, race or class will affect the way in which a person will be viewed and therefore treated. These tiny, minute attributes can have so much of an effect on a person that they could conceivably control the entire course of an unsuspecting individual’s life.


However, if one becomes aware of these dynamics – or better yet develops a deep understanding of how these dynamics operate – one can then gain control over the outside world instead of being controlled by it by manipulating the system itself to advance your own interests.


Now i knew from the very beginning that this type of blog would not become ‘popular’ in the way that some blogs go viral. First, most people are more interested in more light hearted, dont-have-to-think-too-much subjects in the vein of ’10 ways to know if your boyfriend is cheating on you’ type of blogs (lol). Secondly I know that most people don’t even stop to think about these sorts of things to begin with.


in short this blog isn’t meant for most people. It is meant primarily for Asian (and colored) people who are searching for knowledge in order to attain mastery and control over the invisible dynamics that were thrust upon them by wider society in order to live strong, happy, fulfilling lives. I’m not trying to educate white people when i talk about white privilege or subtle forms of racism, because after studying social movements throughout history I know that tpeople who hold power will never give it up willingly. I hope that through this blog I can at least reach some of the strong asian or colored people out there on cyberspace to pass on the knowledge i have gained thus far so that we can fight and push back against these dynamics in our own little ways over the course of our day to day lives to hopefully achieve meaningful change.

Racial Dynamics: the Asian fetish explained [conclusion]

To conclude this series, I would now like to examine one more submission from creepywhiteguys.tumblr.com. This example pretty much includes all the points I have written before condensed into one entry. This entry is too long for me to copy and paste here so please visit this link and read the submission before continuing on to my commentary:


Read it? Good, now let’s begin..

In the first message the creepy white guy (CWG for short) is pretty much a text book example of how some white men like to use white manufactured ethnic stereotypes to demonize non-white males to place themselves at the top of the white imposed racial hierarchy. What is important about the first message is how the CWG pretends to be the good guy while doing so, (idiotically) trying to play the role of the so called ‘white knight’ who will supposedly save her from the ‘evil, controlling, domineering Asian men’. All non-white women need to be very wary of these types of guys, as often or not they will be the most dangerous types of men they will ever encounter, something you can clearly see if you read the CWG’s last to the Asian female.

In the second message it is clear that the Asian female is a strong woman with self respect, who does not take kindly to men (white males in this case) who try to use racism and sexism to control and manipulate her. As such she repudiates him and rejects his blatant racism.

The third message is the most important one as it is very revealing about how these sorts of CWG’s think and operate. When rejected these racist white male-Asian fetishists will always retaliate with racial slurs against the same women they supposedly ‘love’ and ‘respect’. In this case the white male replies, ‘go get raped you dumb ch1nk whore’. This shows that such non-Asian males who have Asian fetishes have never and will never respect Asian females or minorities as human beings and only see them as things to be used and exploited.

Yes they may proclaim to ‘love your culture’ or ‘love your people’, but that’s all just a rouse to try and get into bed with you. You can bet a million bucks that deep down, they have nothing but pure hatred and contempt for everyone who isn’t a white male. However I should point our that there are also many black, latino or basically non-Asian men who also feel the same way and are racist Asian fetishists as described above.

It is clear that the CWG is livid at the fact that the Asian female rejected HIM, the white male, and that in his world all non-white people should bow down to him just because of his whiteness. According to his worldview non-white (in this case Asian) females should spread their legs whenever he desires while the non-white males should cower in his presence and never challenge his masculinity. By her rejecting him while criticizing his condescending, racist behavior his masculinity and identity as a white male has now been threatened. This being the case he then inevitably lashes out at the Asian female to try to maintain his sense of racial power and supremacy by telling her to ‘get raped’. In fact him telling her to get raped is a clear indication of why he has the Asian fetish to begin with which is his overwhelming  desire to control and feel powerful.

In conclusion, if you haven’t already guessed it, I really do consider Asian fetishists to be some of the most disgusting scumbags that walk the Earth. The fact that the ‘Asian fetish’ and over-sexualization and dehumanization of Asian women is so wide spread in Western society shows how debased this culture is and how hundreds of years of imperialism has created a legacy of racism that is still felt today, regardless of what some white people say (‘oh we live in a post racial society guys, stop being reverse racists’ -rolls eyes). In future posts I will discuss how we can rid the world of this disease, but for now I hope you have learnt to identify these sorts of men the next time you come across them.