PUA is a joke

You know I’ve spent a lot of time over the years on various little blogs writing about things that anger and annoy me to the point where I think I’ve finally had enough of it all. Funnily enough, while anger can be a source of great energy and motivation in one’s life, it can also be quite exhausting and emotionally draining. It’s pretty much why I haven’t been blogging lately, since I’ve decided to focus solely on improving my life and achieving the goals I have set for myself and not spend any time dwelling on the negative. However sometimes some things are just so annoying that I can’t help but tap into that inner rage whenever I come across something that warrants my wrath.

Today that ‘thing’ is PUA.

For those who don’t know, PUA is short for ‘pick up artist’. Pick up artists are guys who believe they can somehow learn certain principles and maxims that will allow them to have sex with any woman they desire. Now usually I wouldn’t even give these guys any attention, since they sound like the types of dudes that I’d usually look down on – and indeed I do look down on them as I think any normal person would. However it has become clear to me that these PUA’s aren’t just harmless losers, but disgusting, evil, individuals that preach a gospel filled with hatred and depravity.

In short, these guys are training themselves (and others) to be psychopaths.

I mean let’s actually take a look at what these guys preach to their fellow brethren so you get an idea of what I’m talking about. First of all it should be made clear that the only thing that matters to a PUA is that their wants and desires are met. Everything and everyone else around them is just a tool to use to get what they want.

You see PUA’s don’t have friends, they have a ‘social circle’. The only reason one builds a social circle is to maximize their chances of meeting attractive women and so that they can use them as a way to raise their so called social value in the eyes of others. I mean who gives a shit about actually having real connections with people you truly care about and want to be with. That stuff is for losers bro!

This also leads into another big theme that is common in the PUA world – that empathy is something to look down on. You see being compassionate towards others is a sign of weakness to them. They believe that the ultimate male ideal is to be an ‘alpha’….otherwise known as being a self-centered jerk off. Don’t they see that their lack of compassion and empathy towards others is a sign of weakness and insecurity? Truly strong people are those that are so secure and accepting of who they are at their core that they don’t feel the need to try and lord over others to feel good about themselves.

It’s no coincidence that the most impressive men I have ever met in my life were also some of the most loving and caring individuals I have ever come across. They built others around them up rather than try to tear them down. That’s strength. But if you go to any PUA site you’ll notice all the guys are in a constant pissing contest with each other trying to prove how they’re better than the other guy next to them like children fighting in the playground, and yet we’re supposed to take advice from these petty, insecure fools?

This brings me to another point in that PUA’s actively try to strip away the humanity of the people they are socializing with and reduce them to nothing more than objects to be used and manipulated for their own ends. They often talk about ‘neutralizing’ males in order to isolate and latch onto their female ‘targets’ in social situations. Everything is about getting the girl in the right place and circumstances to get what they want, whether it’s sex or a phone number. Men on the other hand are nothing more than obstacles keeping them away from their prize. They don’t actually see human beings when they look across at the person they’re interacting with. Everything’s just a ‘game’ to them. I mean how can anyone honestly live like that? You’d have to be a total fucking degenerate to view people in this way.

That’s why I’m telling all you lonely guys out there to get off this PUA shit. It’s garbage son. It won’t make you happy. What it will do is turn you into an angry, cynical, soulless shell of a human being. If that sounds good to you then go for it, but I refuse to go down that lonely road.

Racial Dynamics: the Asian fetish explained [conclusion]

To conclude this series, I would now like to examine one more submission from creepywhiteguys.tumblr.com. This example pretty much includes all the points I have written before condensed into one entry. This entry is too long for me to copy and paste here so please visit this link and read the submission before continuing on to my commentary:


Read it? Good, now let’s begin..

In the first message the creepy white guy (CWG for short) is pretty much a text book example of how some white men like to use white manufactured ethnic stereotypes to demonize non-white males to place themselves at the top of the white imposed racial hierarchy. What is important about the first message is how the CWG pretends to be the good guy while doing so, (idiotically) trying to play the role of the so called ‘white knight’ who will supposedly save her from the ‘evil, controlling, domineering Asian men’. All non-white women need to be very wary of these types of guys, as often or not they will be the most dangerous types of men they will ever encounter, something you can clearly see if you read the CWG’s last to the Asian female.

In the second message it is clear that the Asian female is a strong woman with self respect, who does not take kindly to men (white males in this case) who try to use racism and sexism to control and manipulate her. As such she repudiates him and rejects his blatant racism.

The third message is the most important one as it is very revealing about how these sorts of CWG’s think and operate. When rejected these racist white male-Asian fetishists will always retaliate with racial slurs against the same women they supposedly ‘love’ and ‘respect’. In this case the white male replies, ‘go get raped you dumb ch1nk whore’. This shows that such non-Asian males who have Asian fetishes have never and will never respect Asian females or minorities as human beings and only see them as things to be used and exploited.

Yes they may proclaim to ‘love your culture’ or ‘love your people’, but that’s all just a rouse to try and get into bed with you. You can bet a million bucks that deep down, they have nothing but pure hatred and contempt for everyone who isn’t a white male. However I should point our that there are also many black, latino or basically non-Asian men who also feel the same way and are racist Asian fetishists as described above.

It is clear that the CWG is livid at the fact that the Asian female rejected HIM, the white male, and that in his world all non-white people should bow down to him just because of his whiteness. According to his worldview non-white (in this case Asian) females should spread their legs whenever he desires while the non-white males should cower in his presence and never challenge his masculinity. By her rejecting him while criticizing his condescending, racist behavior his masculinity and identity as a white male has now been threatened. This being the case he then inevitably lashes out at the Asian female to try to maintain his sense of racial power and supremacy by telling her to ‘get raped’. In fact him telling her to get raped is a clear indication of why he has the Asian fetish to begin with which is his overwhelming  desire to control and feel powerful.

In conclusion, if you haven’t already guessed it, I really do consider Asian fetishists to be some of the most disgusting scumbags that walk the Earth. The fact that the ‘Asian fetish’ and over-sexualization and dehumanization of Asian women is so wide spread in Western society shows how debased this culture is and how hundreds of years of imperialism has created a legacy of racism that is still felt today, regardless of what some white people say (‘oh we live in a post racial society guys, stop being reverse racists’ -rolls eyes). In future posts I will discuss how we can rid the world of this disease, but for now I hope you have learnt to identify these sorts of men the next time you come across them.