Asian people are too nice

Most of the hits I get on my page are from my articles dealing with the Asian experience so since that’s what you guys want, that’s what you guys are gonna get!

Today I am going to talk about something that I’ve seen a lot from a lot of Asian people. Generally what I’ve noticed is that many Asian people are too nice, especially when it comes to racism. A lot of Asian people don’t fight back and in fact don’t do anything for fear of being criticized since they’re the ones who don’t want to come off badly!

Take for example whenever a self-hating Asian women starts shitting on Asian men (not literally obviously lol). There are a lot of Asian guys out there who when seeing this think to themselves, “oh I need to take the higher road so I don’t look petty”, meanwhile that Asian woman is still talking shit about us for acceptance like a self-hating dog kneeling at the master’s table.

I’m not going to lie, I am generally a very, VERY nice person. I like to treat people well because I don’t like to see others in pain. But now, whenever I come across a person who has it out for me, who disrespects or demeans me…well I’m gonna do everything in my power to crush them. If that means taking advantage of their insecurities, or sabotaging their personal/professional life—hell I’ll do it – I don’t even care anymore.

Now I’m not saying you guys should be like this, and I understand I’m coming across as a petty, vengeful jerk, but you know what? Fuck it. The thing that many Asian guys forget is that they are gonna get messed with by a lot of people in society no matter how we act. That’s how racism works. If that’s the case, then why not be the aggressor and get even with these people while forging your own path in life going after WHAT YOU WANT?

How many times have you seen jerks with power get away with shit while good people who are powerless are made to suffer? Why, if someone uses their white privilege or the fact that they are racially fetishized to try and get one over me, well then I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get even, simply because I hate to see bad people use their power to try and make life worse for others.

I mean seriously nearly every group out there tries to mess with Asian men. I’ve had an Asian woman try to fuck up a relationship I had with a non-Asian girl once. I’ve heard stories of white girls with Asian guys being harassed by white guys, trying to pressure her into being ashamed of him and their relationship. You see everyone’s already doing it, so why not do it back to them? If you’re an Asian guy living in this sort of environment, you got to be ruthless sometimes, because nobody has your back. You gotta destroy your enemies and protect what’s yours.

Shiiiiit you know how many white people use their white privilege to get shit that they don’t deserve in their careers or use racism to destroy a colored person’s self-esteem whenever they are feeling threatened by them? You know how many Asian women dismiss the experiences of Asian men just because it suits their self-interest? Or how many colored people who aren’t Asian claim to be against racism when it is against them, but will turn around and be racist against Asians?

The truth is that there are a lot of selfish people in this world who will use whatever they have to oppress others whether it’s racism, money, or just plain old violence. That’s why I consider it my own personal duty to mess with these people so that they don’t succeed in life and so that I can not only protect and empower myself, but all of those people in the world that actually are good people and I think more Asian men should take the same view.

The worst thing in life for Asian men

I truly believe that the worst thing in life is not to be feared or hated, but to be laughed at or not taken seriously. The stereotypes that have been assigned to Asian males by society have all been designed to make fools of us, and make us targets of derision and mockery by insecure non-Asian males looking to re-affirm their own fragile sense of masculinity at our expense. We are the only ethnic group that has to suffer from this specific dynamic, as the ethnic stereotypes assigned to all other ethnic groups are used more as a means to generate fear (e.g black thugs, criminal latinos). 

On that note I want to share a story with you all about something that happened to me a couple of years ago. At this time I was looking at taking a sort of backpacking trip across South East Asia. To prepare for this I started researching various websites and forums to try and get an idea of how to go about planning the trip. 

After spending some time browsing various websites and forums I started to notice a distressing pattern that was emerging. On all these forums I visited I noticed there would always be scores of white expats and travellers of the male gender who would spend an inordinate amount of time talking down and making fun of Asian men while treating Asian women as their property.

Later on however I found other forum posts of a different nature that intrigued me. It was a thread written by a white male about how to navigate the night life in a certain resort area in Thailand. In his posts he told other white guys not to piss off the local Thai guys as any disrespect towards them or any of their female friends/acquaintances would result in them getting a chair broken over their head as he himself witnessed one night. A funny thing he also mentioned was the fact that these guys were amazing at picking up and romancing female tourists coming in from Europe and Australia.

The fear that he felt fear towards the local Thai men ensured that he would never dare to try and repeat any of the racist stereotypes white people like to normally use against Asian people when they are feeling threatened. In fact he almost talked about them with a sense of respect I’ve hardly ever encountered from white expats on the internet. This coupled with the experiences I had in my early life living in an area populated a large number of Asian gangs finally crystallized my views on how Asian men need to act to be able  thrive in society.

You need to make racist people scared of you. The fact that they are so vocal and loud about their racism towards Asians is because they aren’t scared of us the same way they are of blacks or latinos. This is why Asian women are also the most self loathing minority group of females out there, because they have been conditioned by society to not see us as men. It’s also why so many guys try to shame non-Asian women who are in relationships with Asian men, because they think they can overpower us. For an Asian guy, the worst thing in life is not to be feared of hated, so don’t worry about upsetting or frightening people. Just make sure that those around you will be too scared of you to even think of trying to play you for a fool in public.

Racist people are cowards, especially those yellow fever fetishists who idolize Asian women while demonizing Asian men. These guys are the biggest limp d*ck losers out there, and from personal experience they are quick to back down once you make it clear their behavior wont be tolerated. You do that and you can have anything you want.

I will go into detail later on about ways in which you can do this but for now I think that’s enough.




Damn it

So much I want to write about, but I just can’t do it. I havent had access to a proper computer for weeks. Lately the only time I could even get on the internet is when I browse using my ipad in between breaks. 

I was thinking about my new site and what direction I should take. I just decided that the best thing i can do is to re-write the ‘essential’ articles that were up on my old xanga page that have since been erased to use as a reference point for future entries. So it looks like i have to delve once more into the world of anti-asian racism, white privilege, structural discrimination, the dynamics of power and interracial relationships one last time.. I’ll basically use these ‘essential readings’ as a way to explain why things happen the way they do.

I don’t now when the new site will be up and running as I am currently re-writing the old entries and making them new and improved on word. I only just started so bare with me for a bit.

Magnum Opus

Hello friends. I have greatly enjoyed my time both here on my blogs and on the internet in general: researching, writing and discussing Asian issues with all the netizens out there. However, I am sad to say that very soon I will leave this blog, and will most probably stop using the internet in general (apart from using it for school) in order to focus all of my energies on achieving my future goals. 

Before I leave the world wide web I would like to leave you all with my last work. Entitled ‘Why Asian people should care’, this next series of posts will definitively outline my thoughts on the status of race in society today, and how it applies in particular to Asian people. I will then spend the second part detailing the things that we as Asian people should do both right now and in the long term to be able to raise our kids in a world where they are viewed and treated as human beings of value. 


Now I did sort of do this before. However the first time I tried to write it up I lost motivation and half-assed it, partly because I was stressed and overworked at the time, and because I wasn’t sure peopele would take the time to read a 5000 word thesis. However since I have decided to really work towards putting my own plans for my life in motion, I feel that I have to do it right, if nothing more than for my own satisfaction and my desire to get it all off my chest. 


Be warned, this final series will be incredibly long and detailed. It will comprise the content of all of my previous blog posts combined into a single manifesto of sorts. Keep an open mind while reading it, some of the ideas may be a little strange to you at first. I hope some of the ideas presented will resonate with some of you out there, and hopefully lead to something substantial offline too.


Seriously guys thanks for staying around. I hope you enjoy my magnum opus, coming out here on this page, July 29. 


(If you haven’t already checked it out, you can browse through all my previous posts on my old blog Make sure to read through all the earlier pages too if you decide to visit).

Navigation: why I write about Asian issues

I received a message the other day inspired inspired me to write about why I write and maintain this blog.


From looking out at the world over the course of my life it has become clear that all of the interactions that take place between different people are subtly influenced by a wide varieties of underlying dynamics. Things such as one’s gender, race or class will affect the way in which a person will be viewed and therefore treated. These tiny, minute attributes can have so much of an effect on a person that they could conceivably control the entire course of an unsuspecting individual’s life.


However, if one becomes aware of these dynamics – or better yet develops a deep understanding of how these dynamics operate – one can then gain control over the outside world instead of being controlled by it by manipulating the system itself to advance your own interests.


Now i knew from the very beginning that this type of blog would not become ‘popular’ in the way that some blogs go viral. First, most people are more interested in more light hearted, dont-have-to-think-too-much subjects in the vein of ’10 ways to know if your boyfriend is cheating on you’ type of blogs (lol). Secondly I know that most people don’t even stop to think about these sorts of things to begin with.


in short this blog isn’t meant for most people. It is meant primarily for Asian (and colored) people who are searching for knowledge in order to attain mastery and control over the invisible dynamics that were thrust upon them by wider society in order to live strong, happy, fulfilling lives. I’m not trying to educate white people when i talk about white privilege or subtle forms of racism, because after studying social movements throughout history I know that tpeople who hold power will never give it up willingly. I hope that through this blog I can at least reach some of the strong asian or colored people out there on cyberspace to pass on the knowledge i have gained thus far so that we can fight and push back against these dynamics in our own little ways over the course of our day to day lives to hopefully achieve meaningful change.

Racial Dynamics: the Asian fetish explained [conclusion]

To conclude this series, I would now like to examine one more submission from This example pretty much includes all the points I have written before condensed into one entry. This entry is too long for me to copy and paste here so please visit this link and read the submission before continuing on to my commentary:

Read it? Good, now let’s begin..

In the first message the creepy white guy (CWG for short) is pretty much a text book example of how some white men like to use white manufactured ethnic stereotypes to demonize non-white males to place themselves at the top of the white imposed racial hierarchy. What is important about the first message is how the CWG pretends to be the good guy while doing so, (idiotically) trying to play the role of the so called ‘white knight’ who will supposedly save her from the ‘evil, controlling, domineering Asian men’. All non-white women need to be very wary of these types of guys, as often or not they will be the most dangerous types of men they will ever encounter, something you can clearly see if you read the CWG’s last to the Asian female.

In the second message it is clear that the Asian female is a strong woman with self respect, who does not take kindly to men (white males in this case) who try to use racism and sexism to control and manipulate her. As such she repudiates him and rejects his blatant racism.

The third message is the most important one as it is very revealing about how these sorts of CWG’s think and operate. When rejected these racist white male-Asian fetishists will always retaliate with racial slurs against the same women they supposedly ‘love’ and ‘respect’. In this case the white male replies, ‘go get raped you dumb ch1nk whore’. This shows that such non-Asian males who have Asian fetishes have never and will never respect Asian females or minorities as human beings and only see them as things to be used and exploited.

Yes they may proclaim to ‘love your culture’ or ‘love your people’, but that’s all just a rouse to try and get into bed with you. You can bet a million bucks that deep down, they have nothing but pure hatred and contempt for everyone who isn’t a white male. However I should point our that there are also many black, latino or basically non-Asian men who also feel the same way and are racist Asian fetishists as described above.

It is clear that the CWG is livid at the fact that the Asian female rejected HIM, the white male, and that in his world all non-white people should bow down to him just because of his whiteness. According to his worldview non-white (in this case Asian) females should spread their legs whenever he desires while the non-white males should cower in his presence and never challenge his masculinity. By her rejecting him while criticizing his condescending, racist behavior his masculinity and identity as a white male has now been threatened. This being the case he then inevitably lashes out at the Asian female to try to maintain his sense of racial power and supremacy by telling her to ‘get raped’. In fact him telling her to get raped is a clear indication of why he has the Asian fetish to begin with which is his overwhelming  desire to control and feel powerful.

In conclusion, if you haven’t already guessed it, I really do consider Asian fetishists to be some of the most disgusting scumbags that walk the Earth. The fact that the ‘Asian fetish’ and over-sexualization and dehumanization of Asian women is so wide spread in Western society shows how debased this culture is and how hundreds of years of imperialism has created a legacy of racism that is still felt today, regardless of what some white people say (‘oh we live in a post racial society guys, stop being reverse racists’ -rolls eyes). In future posts I will discuss how we can rid the world of this disease, but for now I hope you have learnt to identify these sorts of men the next time you come across them.

Racial Dynamics: The Asian Fetish explained part 2 (with examples!)

Okay now that I have explained the reasoning behind the Asian fetish in my previous post I’d like to take the time now to actually give you guys examples of what the Asian fetish actually looks, and sounds like. To do this I am going to be using examples from the very revealing creepywhiteguys tumblr. For those who don’t know, creepywhiteguys is a tumblr account where Asian women submit any creepy/degrading/racist messages they receive while using okcupid (or was it plenty of fish?) from you guessed it creepy white guys.

Example One:

Creepy white guy: who’s that Asian guy in your profile?

Asian woman: It’s Wang Lee Hom, he’s a huge pop star in Asia, I was so excited to get the chance to meet him!
Creepy white guy: Asian guys are so fucking ugly, white guys just have better bodies and facial features don’t you think? 

First of all I should point out that Wang Lee hom has a much more attractive physique than said white guy (lol). This example is typical of the white male with the Asian fetish. As I explained in my previous post, the real attraction such white males have for Asian females is their desire to control and feel powerful. Notice how he derives his self worth by putting down Asian men, while simultaneously trying to pump himself up as the white man to try and  (clumsily) ‘steal’ the Asian female from his imagined Asian male foes. Quite pathetic right?

Example 2

Creepy white guy: Why are there so many photos of you with Asian guys? Don’t you know Asian girls prefer white guys?

Again this message is interesting as he is actually trying to convince her that Asian males are somehow inferior, which is weird because by doing so he has unwittingly put himself in a lower position coming into the interaction. This lend credence to my idea that all of these white guy Asian fetishists are extremely mentally weak and insecure. This is what insecure, racist white men do whenever they feel threatened by non-white males and try to re-establish their masculinity, and dominance by using their white privilege and white manufactured racial stereotypes to try and intimidate non-white females into becoming subordinates and accepting their white supremacist point of view. To translate what he said in another way would be like him saying, “Don’t you know? You aren’t supposed to be with Asian guys. You belong to us white guys! You’re ours!” It’s quite sick when you think about it. This is actually a fairly common occurrence in Western society nowadays. So many insecure white guys, it makes you wonder why.

Example 3

Creepy white guy: Don’t be scared of me I’m just a big American man who will love and  protect you 😉

This is another variation where the white guy plays into tired old stereotypes usually spread through pop culture of the white savior saving the colored woman and having her for himself (miss saigon, the last samurai, karate kid etc etc). Especially notice the ‘big strong American man’ part (embarassing! LOL). We’ve seen this over and over again in television in movies. It shows how emotionally stunted this white guy is to internalize media imagery to such an extent that he would try to play these fantasies out on a dating site. Quite sad no?

Example 4

This last example is very important as it shows many different features of the Asian fetish all in one example so I will actually take this example and devote an entire post to it which will be up in the next day or two. So don’t forget to join me for next time when I conclude the Asian fetish series!

(Note: Again please check out to see more of the example I have included in this post)

Racial Dynamics: The Asian fetish explained

As I  said in my previous post, this blog is intended to educate people about the racial dynamics that exist today and how they relate to Asian people. I feel that the best way to do this is to first analyze the phenomena of the ‘Asian fetish’ as this particular subject encompasses all of the main issues that effect Asian people today.

The Asian male as vanquished foe, the Asian female, loot to be plundered

At the root of all racial fetishes lies one overarching, underlying motive: the desire feel powerful. This sort of racial (in this case Asian) fetishism traces it’s roots back to the centuries of Western imperialism that plagued (and still plagues) many parts of the world. The Western (white) powers, would invade non-white nations, steal their resources, kill their men, and ‘have’ their way with the women.

In this sense it can be said that the phenomena of the Asian fetish is the modern incarnation of the same thought processes western imperialists used as motivation when they partook in the wide-scale slaughter and oppression of colored peoples all over the world.

Through these barbaric acts many whites unwittingly conditioned themselves and their offspring for generations to come to subconsciously view colored people and Asian people in particular as subhuman, inferior, or as objects to be used for their amusement. Within the context of the Asian fetish, Asian women are used as sex toys to be controlled and sexually dominated in the same way black slaves were subject to the wishes of their white masters. Asian males on the other hand are seen as tools which white males use to feel powerful and virile through the creation and propagation of racial stereotypes designed to emasculate and humiliate their targets. By insulting Asian males while being in sexual relationships with Asian females the fetishist simultaneously fulfills his deviant sexual desires and power fantasies at the same time.

This is why so many non-Asian males, take a certain glee in insulting Asian males. In their weak, highly insecure,  underdeveloped minds it is the only way they can feel any sense of masculinity or power. In the old days of they could literally kill or rape to fulfill their desires to control and feel superior or more manly. Nowadays they have to settle for this type of treatment.

Again it must be stressed, in all such racial fetishes the targets of the fetishism only exists to serve the egos, imaginations and desires of those who hold the most power in society. Think about every time a non-Asian male points at an Asian female and call her a ‘hot Asian’. Just think about those words, ‘hot Asian’. In their imaginations the Asian female doesn’t have a name, doesn’t have an identity, doesn’t have a soul. In the minds of such males she is just a ‘hot Asian’, a blow up doll that is used to relieve one’s sexual desires and then discarded when they outlive their usefulness. This is by far the sickest, most repugnant form of dehumanization that could ever take place, and yet it is so common to see and hear this sort of thing in the Western world.

Another reason why the Asian fetish is so common in today’s society is because of the fact that many non-Asian (usually white) males sub-consciously know the extent to which Asian people have been psychologically beaten down through western generated pop culture and the propagation of negative racial stereotypes and the power they have just by virtue of being white (white privilege). In this case non-Asian males who may normally be too insecure to approach attractive women of other races, will instead feel no ounce of fear at all when approaching an Asian female who should for all intents and purposes, be out of their league. This is why many such males feel a sense of entitlement to Asian females and that they should be ‘grateful’ for the honor of their attention no matter how crude or degrading, simply because they operate under the racial hierarchy imposed by Western society in which Asian people are placed at the bottom and should therefore know their place as dogs begging for scraps at the master’s table.

The worst part however is how many times this ‘Asian fetish’ is spread in part due to certain segments of Asian females. Conditioned to feel inferior from early childhood through media imagery, some Asian women willingly take their place as subordinates or slaves within the imposed racial hierarchy. Some Asian females even choose to play up to the disgusting racial stereotypes assigned to them in order gain some sort of acceptance in a white dominated society.

In conclusion when looking through the lens of the Asian fetish, it is very clear that Asian people are placed at an extreme disadvantage and that we must work together to unburden ourselves of the bonds placed on us by Western society to regain our identities and our self respect as a people.

(in my next post I will go further into this Asian fetish phenomena and illustrate the ways in which it may manifest itself in every day life using examples from one of my favorite tumblrs, creepywhiteguys.)