Navigation: why I write about Asian issues

I received a message the other day inspired inspired me to write about why I write and maintain this blog.


From looking out at the world over the course of my life it has become clear that all of the interactions that take place between different people are subtly influenced by a wide varieties of underlying dynamics. Things such as one’s gender, race or class will affect the way in which a person will be viewed and therefore treated. These tiny, minute attributes can have so much of an effect on a person that they could conceivably control the entire course of an unsuspecting individual’s life.


However, if one becomes aware of these dynamics – or better yet develops a deep understanding of how these dynamics operate – one can then gain control over the outside world instead of being controlled by it by manipulating the system itself to advance your own interests.


Now i knew from the very beginning that this type of blog would not become ‘popular’ in the way that some blogs go viral. First, most people are more interested in more light hearted, dont-have-to-think-too-much subjects in the vein of ’10 ways to know if your boyfriend is cheating on you’ type of blogs (lol). Secondly I know that most people don’t even stop to think about these sorts of things to begin with.


in short this blog isn’t meant for most people. It is meant primarily for Asian (and colored) people who are searching for knowledge in order to attain mastery and control over the invisible dynamics that were thrust upon them by wider society in order to live strong, happy, fulfilling lives. I’m not trying to educate white people when i talk about white privilege or subtle forms of racism, because after studying social movements throughout history I know that tpeople who hold power will never give it up willingly. I hope that through this blog I can at least reach some of the strong asian or colored people out there on cyberspace to pass on the knowledge i have gained thus far so that we can fight and push back against these dynamics in our own little ways over the course of our day to day lives to hopefully achieve meaningful change.


Hello everyone. I would first like to welcome you to my blog, ‘Danger Zone Q’. This web page is dedicated to highlighting and analyzing the racial dynamics that exist within the West and how these dynamics affects the lives of Asian people living in both the Western world and in Asia. Furthermore, this blog will also be concerned with detailing how these dynamics first came to exist and the things we can do to change the way in which society functions such that all people, regardless of ethnicity can co-exist on equal standing with each other.

As for me? Well that really doesn’t matter, I’m sure you will all come to know me well as time goes on. With that I hope you enjoy the first article that will be put up tomorrow!
