The Blueprint

As I stated in my previous entry, this will be my last post on this blog. If any of you are familiar with any of my previous works, you will know that this space on xanga (and wordpress) has been dedicated to analyzing the racial dynamics that exist within society. it is for this reason that I will not go in great detail re-explaining these dynamics once again. However, in order to provide some subtext for what is to follow I feel it necessary to give a brief summary of my thoughts on the matter once and for all.

In short, Asian people, like all colored people, have been put at a great (though not insurmountable) disadvantage in society. White power structures have conditioned people to see Asian men as weak, effeminate, little boys while Asian women are portrayed as nothing more than little playthings that only exist to satiate the desires of white males. The western world, has debased us as a people through decades of imperialism and oppression both here and in Asia and as a result most Asian folk now live lives that fall far below their potential. Our dignity and self respect has nearly been wiped out, apart from isolated Individuals here and there who still cling to their pride.

The more important question however is how to fix this current state of affairs. Firstly we must understand that we cannot rely on white people to change on their own. Generally speaking, from observing society in general over the years I have noticed that white people have thought of a very several powerful way in which they can preserve their privilege. Their main weapon in such matters is that of plausibe deniability.

When I talk of plausable deniability, I mean to talk about the ways in which white people try to disregard the grievances of colored people while maintaining their own sense of moral superiority. When confronted with instances of racism or structural inequalities, many white people go on the defensive, claiming they aren’t racist while refusing to even listen or give attention to the substance of the arguments made by colored people. This way, they can continue to benefit from white privilege and maintain their dominance without having to acknowledge the fact that inequalities do exist or even feel guilty about it. In a way this strategy is perfect. There is no way for colored people to fight against this form of plausible deniability, as whites can just label us as being ‘oversensitive’ or ‘playing the race card’. Since whites currently have all the power, they can get away with it since we do not have the means or the power to challenge them and in turn things never really change.

In this case it is clear that things can only get better if colored people -in this case Asian people – stand up together to change society in our self interest to regain our dignity and self respect as a people. We must band together and use our collective contacts and capital to impose our will in the areas of business, advertising, movies and television so that we will no longer be treated or viewed as lesser people. We must also raise enough capital to invest in restructuring the education systems in Asian countries educate the young about these realities and build a sense of unity within Asia that translates into real outcomes on a global scale. If Asian natives can be deprogrammed from their ‘white worshipping’ disease, things could really get interesting.

It is for this reason that I advocate the pursuit of money and power as much as possible, not for the mere accumulation of capital itself or because of mere materialism, but for the power it brings. There would need to be informal networks of Asian professionals who would be dedicated to helping and supporting fellow members in terms of connections, business opportunities and general emotional support throughout their daily lives. These groups would also need to work with entities in Asia to expand their dominance and reach into Western markets. Members in Asian American branches should also look into financing and supporting nationalist movements and ventures in Asian countries to help counteract Western mulitnational driven social conditioning like various non profit organization fronts that actually serve to infiltrate and influence different Asian societies. The most important thing however is that such groups must give all available opportunities to their Asian members at the expense of everyone else. This means employment, business, social opportunities…everything. The goal would be to have as many Asian people being at the top of their field. White people are already excluding us now, so we must help one another.

Finally such groups would need to help encourage and foster more productive relationships between different Asian nationalities, that means no more inter-asian racism. the focus must shift from Asian nations competing and challenging each other, to Asia itself challenging the West as a unified force as best as possible.

However, one would literally need to give their everything when joining such a group, the bonds made would have to be much deeper than those found in your usual alumni or Asian American advocacy groups. In general the greater the change one wishes to bring, the greater the sacrifice one would have to make to see it come into fruition. This group wouldn’t be just about business or money, but everything. Ideally, if there was anything you would need help with, there should be a member there to support you for the greater good. We would need to be more than friends or comrades, but family. In this case, membership must be tightly controlled where only the most dedicated, overly zealous and motivated individuals should be accepted.

The one problem with such a strategy is that there may not be enough Asian Americans or Asian native people out there who meet these requirements. Would an Asian person be willing to make sacrifices like moving areas or starting a business in the interests of such a group? Especially if they have been conditioned to be somewhat satisfied with their ordinary lives in middle America As second class citizens? Well, that’s for you to decide. I will say this thoughh, if for nothing else, joining such a group would most probably improve your life financially so what’s there to lose?

With that, I must say goodbye. I will no longer check this blog or respond to comments or messages. I have decided to move onto other things, namely I will be starting my own little online community that wont be open to the public. If this sounds interesting to you, please email me at, however be prepared to get on webcam so I can at least see your face to prove your identity. Other than that, I really have nothing more to say, except thank you.


Magnum Opus

Hello friends. I have greatly enjoyed my time both here on my blogs and on the internet in general: researching, writing and discussing Asian issues with all the netizens out there. However, I am sad to say that very soon I will leave this blog, and will most probably stop using the internet in general (apart from using it for school) in order to focus all of my energies on achieving my future goals. 

Before I leave the world wide web I would like to leave you all with my last work. Entitled ‘Why Asian people should care’, this next series of posts will definitively outline my thoughts on the status of race in society today, and how it applies in particular to Asian people. I will then spend the second part detailing the things that we as Asian people should do both right now and in the long term to be able to raise our kids in a world where they are viewed and treated as human beings of value. 


Now I did sort of do this before. However the first time I tried to write it up I lost motivation and half-assed it, partly because I was stressed and overworked at the time, and because I wasn’t sure peopele would take the time to read a 5000 word thesis. However since I have decided to really work towards putting my own plans for my life in motion, I feel that I have to do it right, if nothing more than for my own satisfaction and my desire to get it all off my chest. 


Be warned, this final series will be incredibly long and detailed. It will comprise the content of all of my previous blog posts combined into a single manifesto of sorts. Keep an open mind while reading it, some of the ideas may be a little strange to you at first. I hope some of the ideas presented will resonate with some of you out there, and hopefully lead to something substantial offline too.


Seriously guys thanks for staying around. I hope you enjoy my magnum opus, coming out here on this page, July 29. 


(If you haven’t already checked it out, you can browse through all my previous posts on my old blog Make sure to read through all the earlier pages too if you decide to visit).

Racial Dynamics: The Asian fetish explained

As I  said in my previous post, this blog is intended to educate people about the racial dynamics that exist today and how they relate to Asian people. I feel that the best way to do this is to first analyze the phenomena of the ‘Asian fetish’ as this particular subject encompasses all of the main issues that effect Asian people today.

The Asian male as vanquished foe, the Asian female, loot to be plundered

At the root of all racial fetishes lies one overarching, underlying motive: the desire feel powerful. This sort of racial (in this case Asian) fetishism traces it’s roots back to the centuries of Western imperialism that plagued (and still plagues) many parts of the world. The Western (white) powers, would invade non-white nations, steal their resources, kill their men, and ‘have’ their way with the women.

In this sense it can be said that the phenomena of the Asian fetish is the modern incarnation of the same thought processes western imperialists used as motivation when they partook in the wide-scale slaughter and oppression of colored peoples all over the world.

Through these barbaric acts many whites unwittingly conditioned themselves and their offspring for generations to come to subconsciously view colored people and Asian people in particular as subhuman, inferior, or as objects to be used for their amusement. Within the context of the Asian fetish, Asian women are used as sex toys to be controlled and sexually dominated in the same way black slaves were subject to the wishes of their white masters. Asian males on the other hand are seen as tools which white males use to feel powerful and virile through the creation and propagation of racial stereotypes designed to emasculate and humiliate their targets. By insulting Asian males while being in sexual relationships with Asian females the fetishist simultaneously fulfills his deviant sexual desires and power fantasies at the same time.

This is why so many non-Asian males, take a certain glee in insulting Asian males. In their weak, highly insecure,  underdeveloped minds it is the only way they can feel any sense of masculinity or power. In the old days of they could literally kill or rape to fulfill their desires to control and feel superior or more manly. Nowadays they have to settle for this type of treatment.

Again it must be stressed, in all such racial fetishes the targets of the fetishism only exists to serve the egos, imaginations and desires of those who hold the most power in society. Think about every time a non-Asian male points at an Asian female and call her a ‘hot Asian’. Just think about those words, ‘hot Asian’. In their imaginations the Asian female doesn’t have a name, doesn’t have an identity, doesn’t have a soul. In the minds of such males she is just a ‘hot Asian’, a blow up doll that is used to relieve one’s sexual desires and then discarded when they outlive their usefulness. This is by far the sickest, most repugnant form of dehumanization that could ever take place, and yet it is so common to see and hear this sort of thing in the Western world.

Another reason why the Asian fetish is so common in today’s society is because of the fact that many non-Asian (usually white) males sub-consciously know the extent to which Asian people have been psychologically beaten down through western generated pop culture and the propagation of negative racial stereotypes and the power they have just by virtue of being white (white privilege). In this case non-Asian males who may normally be too insecure to approach attractive women of other races, will instead feel no ounce of fear at all when approaching an Asian female who should for all intents and purposes, be out of their league. This is why many such males feel a sense of entitlement to Asian females and that they should be ‘grateful’ for the honor of their attention no matter how crude or degrading, simply because they operate under the racial hierarchy imposed by Western society in which Asian people are placed at the bottom and should therefore know their place as dogs begging for scraps at the master’s table.

The worst part however is how many times this ‘Asian fetish’ is spread in part due to certain segments of Asian females. Conditioned to feel inferior from early childhood through media imagery, some Asian women willingly take their place as subordinates or slaves within the imposed racial hierarchy. Some Asian females even choose to play up to the disgusting racial stereotypes assigned to them in order gain some sort of acceptance in a white dominated society.

In conclusion when looking through the lens of the Asian fetish, it is very clear that Asian people are placed at an extreme disadvantage and that we must work together to unburden ourselves of the bonds placed on us by Western society to regain our identities and our self respect as a people.

(in my next post I will go further into this Asian fetish phenomena and illustrate the ways in which it may manifest itself in every day life using examples from one of my favorite tumblrs, creepywhiteguys.)


Hello everyone. I would first like to welcome you to my blog, ‘Danger Zone Q’. This web page is dedicated to highlighting and analyzing the racial dynamics that exist within the West and how these dynamics affects the lives of Asian people living in both the Western world and in Asia. Furthermore, this blog will also be concerned with detailing how these dynamics first came to exist and the things we can do to change the way in which society functions such that all people, regardless of ethnicity can co-exist on equal standing with each other.

As for me? Well that really doesn’t matter, I’m sure you will all come to know me well as time goes on. With that I hope you enjoy the first article that will be put up tomorrow!
