Magnum Opus

Hello friends. I have greatly enjoyed my time both here on my blogs and on the internet in general: researching, writing and discussing Asian issues with all the netizens out there. However, I am sad to say that very soon I will leave this blog, and will most probably stop using the internet in general (apart from using it for school) in order to focus all of my energies on achieving my future goals. 

Before I leave the world wide web I would like to leave you all with my last work. Entitled ‘Why Asian people should care’, this next series of posts will definitively outline my thoughts on the status of race in society today, and how it applies in particular to Asian people. I will then spend the second part detailing the things that we as Asian people should do both right now and in the long term to be able to raise our kids in a world where they are viewed and treated as human beings of value. 


Now I did sort of do this before. However the first time I tried to write it up I lost motivation and half-assed it, partly because I was stressed and overworked at the time, and because I wasn’t sure peopele would take the time to read a 5000 word thesis. However since I have decided to really work towards putting my own plans for my life in motion, I feel that I have to do it right, if nothing more than for my own satisfaction and my desire to get it all off my chest. 


Be warned, this final series will be incredibly long and detailed. It will comprise the content of all of my previous blog posts combined into a single manifesto of sorts. Keep an open mind while reading it, some of the ideas may be a little strange to you at first. I hope some of the ideas presented will resonate with some of you out there, and hopefully lead to something substantial offline too.


Seriously guys thanks for staying around. I hope you enjoy my magnum opus, coming out here on this page, July 29. 


(If you haven’t already checked it out, you can browse through all my previous posts on my old blog Make sure to read through all the earlier pages too if you decide to visit).